Revolutionising the register of authorised personnel using blockchain

Cygnetise CEO Steve Pomfret was interviewed by Business and Finance, Ireland’s leading business magazine, at the Temenos Conference. In this video, Steve talks about the the benefits of using the blockchain technology for the management of authorised signatory lists and more generally, how and why we are shifting to a more decentralised world. 

For those of you not familiar with the term, authorised signatories are lists of individuals with the authority to sign off invoice payments, contracts and other legal documents on behalf of their department or organisation as a whole. Currently, the process of managing these lists is manual and paper based, costing organisations thousands of man hours.

Using blockchain, the Cygnetise application gives users and organisations control of their own data, increased security, and provides an immutable audit trail, showing what was changed, when and by whom. 

Watch the video and contact us if you'd like to learn more about Cygnetise. 


View Original article in Business and Finance here