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A week on from Jersey TechWeek

From AI and blockchain, to smart homes and cyber security, Jersey TechWeek 2018 (October 13-19) had something for everyone. It was a celebration of technology and the future of digital, and of the island that keeps being at the forefront of innovation - Jersey is today one of the first jurisdictions to allow Crypto-based funds. Nick Ogden of ClearBank, reminds us in fact that “exactly 24 years ago, Jersey built Europe’s first online shop, which set the world of e-commerce alight and growing.”

The week also included a full day dedicated to Fintech, focused on how digital is transforming the world of finance and on exploring the 3 B’s - Biometrics, Blockchain and Bots. Cygnetise CEO Steve Pomfret proudly presented about blockchain and some of its applications outside of cryptocurrencies. Among the other speakers, Diana Biggs from HSBC who spoke about customer-centric digital innovation, Chris Griffin, also known in Jersey as “Mr. Crypto”, from Carey Olsen and the Binance team. (For more highlights on the Fintech day, check out the infographic below.)

Overall, the day just confirmed how the direction of travel in Jersey is clearly digital and we are excited to be part of it.

On a last note, we are thrilled to announce the winners of the Cygnetise’s Developer challenge at the Jersey Skills Show: Ryan Gowans from Beaulieu School and Charlie Rowlan!